ExtraGrip Roll

ExtraGrip Roll Rubber Matting is the perfect choice for heavy-duty, high-grip applications for your herd. Trusted by farms worldwide for many years, it excels in cow lanes, raceways, and underpasses.

ExtraGrip Roll proves invaluable in any location where cows face slipping and sliding issues. It not only enhances cow comfort but also offers a softer surface that reduces the likelihood of rocks getting lodged in their hooves, thus aiding in the prevention of lameness and slips.

Moreover, ExtraGrip Roll is highly effective in preventing mud buildup during the transition from the race to concrete surfaces, contributing to lameness prevention and minimizing the introduction of stones onto the yards.


  • Roll Size: 1.8m x 20mm – 20mm thick
  • High grip profile
  • Easy to clean
  • Still grip when muddy
  • Webbed/mesh reinforcing for extra strength
  • High MPA / Tensile strength
  • Can be driven on
  • Up to 5-year warranty* conditions apply.
Extra Grip

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+61 386 912 578


Victoria, Melbourne